Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rushing River Necklace

With the Bead Star deadline approaching, ( I was really scrambling to choose the best piece for the competition. I worked really hard at vetting my own work. Gosh that's hard!

So, I scrambled to get the items in under the deadline, but all of my seed bead items are actually woven. Thus, they would be disqualified. My wonderful husband recommended that I actually design a piece specifically for the competition. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that, but probably because there was such a limited amount of time involved.

Behold the necklace of choice!

Fortunately, these are colors that I have with me all the time, I only needed to purchase the crimp beads. I love that the movement of the necklace is reminiscent of water, so it seems appropo to me to have the drops finishing the lariat ends.

1 comment:

  1. love the necklace, sis, it's beautiful! let us know how the competition goes!

    love ya,


    p.s. call me sometime!
