Sunday, October 19, 2014

Composition Notebooks Tutorial 9/26/2012

Composition Notebook Gets Royal Treatment

A good notebook keeps the castle running smoothly. The to-do list goes in there, the meal plan, the play dates and the small projects. How boring if your notebook looks like all the rest on the shelf, not to mention confusing when you grab the wrong one! 
Here's the stuff to get started, you can get more items as it goes:

1) You need:
a composition book
at least 3 pieces of scrapbook paper
washi tape
glue gun
glue stick
Picking out your scrapbook papers is the hardest part of the whole project, Promise !
2) Using Elmer's Glue All glue stick, I use one of the exterior papers and glue stick it down to the front cover, with at least 2 inches hanging over the edge.

Cut the corners off.
3) Bend the edges of the paper over the edge and lay flat on the inside. Crease the paper and glue it down with a glue stick. 

Next cover the back the book the same way. Using ribbon, you can cut it into a bookmark. 
4) Glue the right side down, so it will fold over, pretty side up!

5) Use the pretty paper for the inside lining, it will cover the glue marks for your ribbon bookmark. I think it also looks classy, like old vintage books (all princesses should have dreamy first editions!)

6) I like to use Washi Tape to cover the bindings. It's a neat accessory, and I think the tape makes the notebook feel more finished. 
7) Inside the front cover I printed off a cute vintage tag that says "This Book Belongs To."

Every note book is unique. The more time you have, the more elaborate these notebooks can get. The above notebook takes around half an hour, after I have picked out the scrapbook paper.  I hope that you have as much fun as I have had making these fabulous notebooks. 

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